“Pieces” – Flash Fiction for Friday Fictioneers

This flash fiction story is for Friday Fictioneers, the weekly prompt Rochelle Wisoff-Fields gives us on her blog, Addicted to Purple.  We get a photo and no more than 100 words to tell a story.  This week’s photo is from John Nixon.  If you’d like to read more responses to this prompt, or if you’d like to add your own, click on the blue frog below.


Image – Copyright John Nixon


(100 words)

It was supposed to be funny, but seeing clown legs kicking out cacophonous chords on the piano made me anxious.  Where was the rest of the body?

I shuddered.

“You too?” The man beside me smiled sympathetically.

I shrugged.  I’d seen many things that shouldn’t exist: pieces separated, mixed and combined.  My dog had a clear plastic abdomen where goldfish swam.  My uncle considered himself a Dr. Frankenstein.  He was talented, but learned no lessons from his predecessor.

I was one of his hybrids.  This man smiling at me would be surprised if he saw me without these baggy clothes.

36 thoughts on ““Pieces” – Flash Fiction for Friday Fictioneers

    • Haha, this poor narrator–I don’t think there was much choice in being part of the uncle’s experiments. Thanks for hosting, reading and commenting, Rochelle! This photo prompt made me really think!


  1. A unique interpretation of the prompt, with a compelling twist. The reader can imagine all kinds of things, wondering what manner of surgical defilement lies beneath the baggy clothes.


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