“Reason” -Flash Fiction for Friday Fictioneers

This story was written for Friday Fictioneers, hosted by wonderful writer, Rochelle, on her website, Addicted to Purple.  Each week, she provides us with a photo prompt and her own story, and we have 100 words to respond with out take.  Anyone is welcome to participate–just give credit to the provider of the photo prompt (this week, thanks to Liz Young!), write your own story, and click on the blue frog below to read others’ work and add a link to your own.


Photo Prompt – Copyright Liz Young


(99 words)

“I wish you’d known her,” Paul said.  “I mean—the way she was.”

Amy sighed.  Since they started uploading personalities to robotic simulacra, everyone blamed “the process” for their loved ones’ shortcomings.

“Honey—don’t hate her.  She loves you—she always—“

“She must’ve been an alcoholic before,” Amy said.  “They say the bodies don’t crave—it’s the memories.”


“And there’s a reason she keeps doing this.”

Paul was still cradling the familiar head.  This time, when Mom had destroyed herself, part of the face came off.

“We’ll get her fixed,” Paul said.

“We can’t,” Amy said.

31 thoughts on ““Reason” -Flash Fiction for Friday Fictioneers

    • Thanks! Acceptance is definitely needed here! I’m not sure I’d say that good only comes from acceptance generally. Acceptance is often good, but, as living in the U.S. at the moment constantly reminds me, resistance can be equally important! Thanks again!

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s true. Acceptance shouldn’t cross the threshold and enter surrender/obedience (to not so good things). Resistance is very important, there. I guess, a balance is what is ultimately good.


    • No–that’s more common than it should be, and very harmful. Thanks for reading and for the prompt. I also read yours, though I’m still having trouble commenting on blogger and blogspot blogs. Your story has a familiarity to it too–the downward spiral of someone who had seemed destined for greatness.


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