About Emily Livingstone


Emily Livingstone is a writer, mom, and teacher.  She has a BA and MA in English and reads as much as she possibly can. Her work has appeared in Necessary Fiction, Cleaver Magazine, The Molotov Cocktail, Syntax & Salt, Fiction Southeast, and others. Pieces have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best Small Fictions, and the Sundress Publications Best of the Net Anthology.

Follow her on Twitter: @Emi_Livingstone and Facebook

21 thoughts on “About Emily Livingstone

  1. Thanks for following my blog, and reading a couple of posts. All my life I have found writing to be difficult and discouraging. Blogging is a format I can handle, and I appreciate an author and English teacher looking at my stuff. Thanks. I’ll read “Glass Eyes.”


  2. Hello, Emily. it’s lovely to meet you. I really like your writing style and will look forward to reading more in future. I’m sure our paths will cross on one flash fiction challenge or other. Like you, i grew up by the sea, although I’ve lived inland for some years now. But I’m still drawn by the smell of the sea and often long to go back to my hometown. Keep on writing – you’re very good at it.


  3. Pingback: Blog Tour Award! | Millie Thom

  4. Hello again, Emily. Just letting you know that I’ve nominated you for the Blog Tour Award. The fouur questions are about your own writing, so it’s a good one to do and relatively quick. See what you think. 🙂


  5. Pingback: Triple Blog Nomination | A Smith's World

  6. Hey,
    Hope you doing well. I used to follow your blog back in 2015 due to life’s hustle and bustle I just got busy and lost the track. I remember you used to write a lot about your dog. Hope he is doing ok.


    • Thanks for the kind comment! Things have gotten crazy for me, and I’ve fallen off of blogging. I now have 2 young kids and my husband was diagnosed with a chronic illness. Unfortunately, we lost our dog last November and miss him everyday. Thanks again!


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