Work in Jellyfish Review and Syntax & Salt – forthcoming with Atticus Review

Hello! A lot has happened since my last blog post. We’ve brought our second daughter into the world, and she’s now five months old. We’ve also been dealing with a new medical diagnosis.

In the midst of it, I’m excited to share recent publications! My flash fiction piece, “Tuesday,” was published with Syntax & Salt in June (originally appeared on Ellipsis Zine), and my story, “After the Vital Signs,” was published in this month’s issue of Jellyfish Review just a few days ago! Two very different pieces–I’m honored to be in both publications. I hope, if you check out my pieces, that you read the other work published on these sites–it’s wonderful!

I’ve also just gotten the news that I’ll have a piece of creative nonfiction published for the first time–forthcoming with Atticus Review! It was a difficult piece for me to write, as I process what’s been going on the past few months, but it is an important piece for me.

I’m more often on Twitter these days, so look for me there @Emi_Livingstone. Hope all are well.


“The Hero’s Shadow” – Flash Fiction published with The Molotov Cocktail, issue 8.17

I’m very excited that The Molotov Cocktail published my piece, “The Hero’s Shadow” as part of their issue 8.17 today! I originally wrote this story for their Flash Hero contest, and I got very attached to it, and I’m glad it found this home! I hope you’ll take a read and check out the other two fabulous stories by John Holland and Carl Napolitano.

As we get ready to welcome baby #2 to the family, I’m trying to stay on top of my reading, writing, and submitting for another few weeks, before I anticipate somewhat of a hiatus!

Molotov Cocktail issue-8-17

image is the property of The Molotov Cocktail – 2018

“Chick,” pub. with Jersey Devil Press, and other news

It’s been a little while since I’ve written here. I have been keeping busy with life, but still finding time for writing, submitting, and meeting with my fabulous writers’ group. I have news on a few fronts.

I’m very excited to have my flash fiction piece, “Chick,” published in this month’s issue of Jersey Devil Press Magazine. I’m glad this piece has found a home, and psyched that that home is with JDP Magazine! I hope you’ll read the whole issue–some great writing there! (and great cover art!)

I also have a flash fiction story, “Tuesday,” forthcoming with Ellipsis Zine. Many writers I admire have published there, so I’m very pleased to be among them, and glad that “Tuesday” found its place–another piece that I care a lot about!

In non-literary news, I’m just past halfway through my second pregnancy. I hope you’ll hold good thoughts for my little-one-to-be, who should be joining our family in late April. We’ve told our daughter that she will have a little sister, but, as you can imagine, it is pretty abstract for our two-year-old so far.

I have been more active on Twitter lately, so I hope to connect with you there as I continue to write, grow a human inside me, and try to be more diligent with this blog.  : )

Happy Halloween! – Enjoy the Halloween Issue of The Molotov Cocktail

Happy Halloween! My flash fiction piece, “Comeviatorum,” was published today with The Molotov Cocktail in their Halloween Mega-Issue as part of their Flash Monster contest. My piece placed 9th. I’m just getting started reading the great pieces there. The winning story, “Moist,” by Erin O’Shea is fantastically frightening with perfect imagery and some nods to the fairy tale. You’ve got to read it!


copyright The Molotov Cocktail 2017

Poem for the Spider Outside the Back Door

In honor of National Poetry Day, I’m returning to my blog with this poem about today’s early morning encounter

Spider out back

copyright Emily Livingstone 2017

This morning

your expanded web

had filaments spreading across the doorway…

…across the porch…

…down to the garbage bin.

When I opened the screen door,

your web shook, and you

drummed your legs angrily

against the center, ignoring

my recoil.

Your kind have reclaimed our yard of late.

There is one on the fence,

by the front of the house,

and one in the pine tree out back.

There are webs in the grass

and in windowsills.

Be warned, spiders.

Some places are too close,

too frequented,

and you are not welcome.

But, please, do not send your children

inside to crawl

from under the bed

to bite our skin at night

or march down our throats.

Live in the forgotten corners,

out of reach, and feast on what you find.

We both are selfish,

and we will both defend

what we imagine to be ours.


Is it true that we swallow spiders when we sleep?



“Listening to the Animals” takes 1st place in The Molotov Cocktail’s Flash Worlds contest!

Hello!  Exciting news this week!  My flash fiction story, “Listening to the Animals,” was awarded first place in The Molotov Cocktail’s Flash Worlds contest!  I’m honored and more excited than it’s easy for me to express!  I hope you’ll check out my story and the others in the issue.  I also love the cover art and the image they put with my story.


Copyright The Molotov Cocktail, 2017

Click here to go to The Molotov Cocktail’s Flash Worlds Mega Issue 

I’m reading my way through, and I can confirm that the 2nd and 3rd place stories by Celia Daniels and Christina Dalcher are fantastic.  I’m going to be haunted by their worlds for some time.  I’ve also already read FlashDog Voima Oy’s story, which earned 7th place, and it is beautiful!


Haiku for Trying to Buy Solar Eclipse Glasses Online

Studying the list,

seeking approved shades that won’t

burn our wond’ring eyes.

I did find some, finally.  I definitely should’ve ordered sooner, but…I didn’t.  Thanks, Museum of Science, Boston–I await the eclipse glasses!  I know I haven’t written here in awhile.  I will try to be better!  I taught summer school last month and then was sick, and I’ve taken my spare moments for other writing projects.  Hope all are enjoying the summer!